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£89 (was £199)

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Premium Quality

Instant access to 1000+ Courses & a Student ID Card.

Accreditation & Endorsement

Get certified instantly after passing the exam.

Unlimited PDF Certificates & Transcripts

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frequently asked questions

Upon subscribing, you will get unlimited access to more than 1000 courses.

Upon becoming a prime member to Course Gate, you will have access to all courses.

You can enrol a maximum of 50 courses at a time.

Upon completion of a course, the subscriber is free to take another.

It’s simple! All you have to do is pay the price once in a lifetime. Just click on the “Become A Lifetime Prime Member” button. Complete your details on the checkout, and your membership will be activated immediately.

As a Lifetime Prime Member, you will receive lifetime access to our entire course library and a student ID card. You will also receive a PDF certificate with every course you complete. Furthermore, you can get unlimited PDF transcripts and 5 hardcopy certificates.

Anyone over the age of 12 can become a member.



© Course Gate Edukite Ltd, Reg no: 11378092

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No more than 50 active courses at any one time. Membership renews after 12 months. Cancel anytime from your account. Certain courses are not included. Can't be used in conjunction with any other offer.