What is the Average IQ Score in the UK?

IQ demonstrates a person’s ability to reason and solve problems. It shows how well a person performs on a particular test compared to others in their age group. In this article, we will explain what is IQ and what’s the average IQ in the UK. We’ll talk about the different types of IQ tests to calculate the average IQ level in the UK. You’ll also learn about the average IQ for different age groups and how to improve IQ results.

Table of Contents

What is IQ?

Everyone, at some point, is curious to know what their IQ is. IQ, or intelligent quotient, is a numerical score derived from a collection of standardised tests or subtests created to assess human intelligence. It’s a test of intelligence that people are born with. Again, it’s the measure of a person’s ability to reason and solve problems compared to others of their age group. However, the average IQ varies depending on how advanced a country’s education system and economy is.

IQ society Mensa says intelligence is ‘often confused with knowledge, wisdom, memory’. Moreover, IQ scores are typically used to ‘assess a person’s mental agility’ rather than overall intelligence.

The fourth edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) represents the gold standard in measuring intelligence. It has the following score range:

What is the Average IQ Score in the UK?

According to “The Intelligence of Nations – 2019” by Richard Lynn and David Bec, the national average IQ UK is 99.12. It’s considered to be the 20th highest average IQ in the world. Therefore, the UK is placed among the top intelligent countries across the globe. This average IQ of the UK is based on many different studies and measurements, like the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R), the Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) and the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM).  The average IQ for the UK is calculated by an IQ test. 

A person with an IQ below 70 is considered to be low. A low IQ often indicates that the person has an intellectual problem. Again, anyone with an IQ of 140 or above is referred to as a genius score. However, IQ is not the only way to measure intelligence. Although it can predict things like academic success, job perforation and career potential, it cannot guarantee life success.  Often, people with high IQs can’t succeed in life, while those with an average UK IQ score can thrive. Moreover, there are many other ways to identify smart nations worldwide.

Average UK IQ Scores

IQ tests are one of the most popular psychological tests in use today. Before understanding what UK IQ average score entails, it’s important to know how IQ is measured. Different scoring systems are used by publishers. However, the mean score is set to 100 with a standard deviation of 15 for many modern IQ tests so that scores are normally distributed. 

How to Calculate the UK Average IQ Level?

Earlier, the IQ test was calculated in two ways. One was by comparing a person’s mental age with chronological age and then multiplying the value by 100. For instance, if a person is 10 years old and has a mental age of 10, their IQ would be 100. The other method involves comparing IQ scores with those of a similar age. 

A person with an IQ below 70 is considered to be low. A low IQ often indicates that the person has an intellectual problem. Again, anyone with an IQ of 140 or above is referred to as a genius score. Today, there are many IQ tests on the internet to determine whether you have a low or high IQ than average. Some of these are free. However, the better ones cost money.

An IQ test can evaluate an adult’s cognitive capabilities through distinct index scales. The test involves:

Verbal Reasoning

Evaluates a person’s language handling, comprehension, concept formation, problem-solving, and communication through verbal means.

Perceptual Reasoning

Assesses the ability to identify visual details, spatial relationships, and patterns. It involves activities such as identifying differences between images and constructing geometric designs. 

Working Memory

It reflects on a person’s ability to quickly process and manipulate visual or auditory information within a set time period. This helps evaluate people’s recall and manipulation abilities. 

Processing Speed

It measures the time it takes for a person to understand and respond to new information information. Individuals are asked to complete specific tasks within the allocated time.

Different Types of IQ Tests

Many IQ tests employ various equations to measure IQ. Some tests are designed exceptionally for children, while others can be to test the intelligence of adults. Each test is used for various purposes, such as

1. Stanford-Binet

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test is one of the most popular IQ tests for diagnosing developmental disabilities and exceptionalities in children. Besides, it helps in clinical and neuropsychological assessments, psychoeducational evaluations for special education placements, early childhood assessments, etc. The Stanford-Binet intelligence test looks at five cognitive ability factors:

The test is administered by psychologists and other professionals. The duration of the test is from 45 minutes to three hours. The time varies depending on the speed of the person taking the test. For instance, older children need to take more subtests, which increases the total duration of the test. Again, the test score is calculated, taking all five factors of the cognitive scale into account and the age of the test taker. The average score for the test is 100.

2. Raven’s Progressive Matrices

It’s another popular test for measuring IQ. The test is also known as Raven’s SPM and is non-verbal. The primary focus of this test is to identify a person’s problem-solving and observational skills and learning ability. What makes this test unique is that the test-taker receives a single raw score rather than different marks based on other subtests.

There are no set time limits for this test. Moreover, it can be taken by young children and adults. The test is administered by educational professionals and psychologists. It’s a multiple-choice test with the following objectives:

3. Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Ability Test

It’s one of the popular IQ tests which can be given to children of even 2 years old and up to individuals in their 90s. The test is used to make educational diagnoses for children. On top of that, it helps in the measurement of different cognitive functions, such as:

It’s a multiple-choice test administered by psychologists,  schools, and test centres. Moreover, the test includes Extended Battery and Standard Battery tests, which diagnose GIA (General Intellectual ability) and Brief Intellectual Ability.  Different types of scores are generated on exam completion. The test results will rely on comparisons with people within the same age group, improvement levels and proficiency scores.

4. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale

It’s a widely used psychological test. The primary focus of this test is to identify the cognitive performance and intelligence of an adult. The test is also performed to determine an adult person’s intellectual performance, with another version to assess intellectual functioning and academic potential in children. 

The following are the core functions that the Wechsler Intelligence Scale monitors for adults:

5. Differential Ability Scales

This test is designed to identify children’s and adults’ various abilities and skills. It provides insights into a person’s strengths, weaknesses and cognitive abilities. Moreover, the test helps in forecasting future educational achievement. It also helps determine how children of the same age group retain information. 

Here are examples of some of the subtests for the test:

How to Improve IQ Results

Several crucial factors influence IQ results. For instance, good parenting, home environment, education, availability of learning resources, nutrition and healthcare. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your IQ test score:


Practising can help you get better at IQ tests. By studying every day, you’ll learn more about the questions that are on the test. Therefore, you can improve your knowledge, become consistent over time and get good scores. There are different practice tests available online to prepare for the test. 

Work on your Weaknesses

If you have taken a test and identified your weaknesses, you can work on them to improve your scores. There are many courses available online that can help you develop your existing skills. You can also opt for continued learning to improve your intelligence and confidence. 

Learn a Foreign Language

Learning a second language makes you more intelligent. It will improve your brain’s ability to focus. Understanding new vocabulary and grammar structures will strengthen your cognitive abilities and expand your thinking.

Spanish Course For Beginners
Our Spanish Course For Beginners is one of the best online Spanish courses. It will help you speak flawless Spanish as a second language in a short time.
Spanish Course For Beginners
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Read Frequently

Reading is a great way to fine-tune your brain. It’s proven to improve focus, attention span and memory. Intelligence is tied to your cognitive abilities, and reading offers several benefits in that area. 

Memory Training

Working memory is the greatest component of intelligence. There are various brain training exercises you can practice to sharpen your memory.  Our Memory Increasing Tips course will take you through the various areas of memory improvement. You’ll find the techniques and strategies to boost your recall. 

Average IQ UK by Age

The average UK IQ level changes with age. A person’s IQ remains stable throughout life when it’s constantly compared with others of similar age groups. However, a decrease in IQ with age can be due to diminished physical abilities. 


Which country has the highest average IQ?

Japan has the highest average IQ in the world, with an average IQ of 106.48.

What are the top 10 countries by IQ?

The top ten countries by IQ are Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Belarus, Finland, Liechtenstein and Germany.

Is there any difference between the average female IQ in the UK and the average male IQ?

According to a British survey, men, on average, have a relatively higher IQ than women. The average IQ of UK males is around 5 points higher than that of females. 

What is the average IQ in the UK vs. the USA?

The average IQ in the UK is 99.12. For the USA, it’s 97.43. 

What is the Average IQ by Profession in the UK?

IQ scores vary with the profession. For instance, the average IQ of doctors in the UK, as well as physicians and surgeons, is around 125 or 130, while that of school teachers ranges between 121 and 123. Lawyers have an average IQ of 128, and the average IQ of accountants ranges between 119 and 128. The average IQ of nurses and pharmacists is 119 and 120, respectively.

May 27, 2024

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