GraphQL Training with NodeJs

4.7( 11 REVIEWS )

GraphQL Training with NodeJs

4.7( 11 REVIEWS )


GraphQL Training with NodeJs Take This Course


With this GraphQL Training with NodeJs you will learn how to start  GraphQL and NodeJs, do CURD Operations with NodeJs, MongoDB, and GraphQL, and fragment, union, and interfaces with GraphQL. The course will teach you to learn how to set page number, make caching and batching, filtering, sorting and to know about the subscription and data loaders in GraphQL. You will master fundamental concepts behind structuring graphql servers. Learn to build apis with graphql. You will explore to integrating graphql with nodejs and mongodb and, graphql with nodejs and sequelize. You will also learn to test the data authentication and authorization with Jest in MngoDB, NodeJs, and GraphQL.

Who is this course for?

GraphQL Training with NodeJs is suitable for anyone who wants to gain extensive knowledge, potential experience and professional skills in the related field. This course is CPD accredited so you don’t have to worry about the quality.


Our GraphQL Training with NodeJs is open to all from all academic backgrounds and there are no specific requirements to attend this course. It is compatible and accessible from any device including Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Tablets etc.

CPD Certificate from Course Gate 

At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22.

Career path

This course opens a new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also gives you the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge along with required skills to become successful. You will be able to add our qualification to your CV/resume which will help you to stand out in the competitive job industry.

Course Curriculum

Getting Started
Create Express Server in NodeJs 00:04:00
Create GraphQL Server using express 00:08:00
Understand GraphQL Resolver Arguments 00:00:00
Connect GraphQL App with MongoDB using Mongoose 00:04:00
CURD(Create, Read,Update,Delete) Operations with Nodejs, GraphQL, and MongoDB
Create Record in MongoDB Using GraphQL Mutation 00:06:00
Get Records From MongoDB Using GraphQL Query 00:02:00
Update Records From MongoDB Using GraphQL Mutation 00:02:00
Delete Record From MongoDB Using GraphQL Mutation 00:02:00
Authentication and Authorization in GraphQL, Nodejs and MongoDB
Create GraphQL Server with GraphQL Yoga 00:03:00
Split up your schema definition, resolvers, and Query type into multiple files 00:07:00
Create a Mongoose User model for Authentication in GraphQL 00:03:00
Register and Encrypt User Data and Return JWT Payload with Graph 00:07:00
Operations and Variables in GraphQL 00:02:00
Validate Input in GraphQL with Joi 00:04:00
Authenticate a User using a JSON Web Token in GraphQL 00:03:00
Merge GraphQL Resolvers into a Single Object using lodash.merge 00:02:00
Create a Middleware for Authentication in GraphQL 00:07:00
Apply Authentication Middleware on GraphQL Resolvers 00:03:00
Create Nested Resolvers to remove duplicate code from individual 00:07:00
Pagination, Filtering, And Sorting in GraphQL
Paginate List of Data in GraphQL 00:08:00
Filter Nodes with Matching Rule GraphQL Queries 00:03:00
Sort GraphQL Query Results by Field 00:02:00
Cursor Based Pagination 00:09:00
Fragments, Interfaces, and Unions in GraphQL
Send Multiple Queries in a Single Request using Aliases in GraphQL 00:00:00
Enhancing Fields Reusability with Fragments in GraphQL 00:02:00
Create Enum to represents a collection of related values 00:03:00
Create an Interface to represent the reusable fields in GraphQL 00:06:00
Interface Demo with – ResolveType 00:05:00
Create Union to return more than object type from GraphQL field 00:11:00
Subscriptions and DataLoaders in GraphQL
Introduction to Subscriptions 00:01:00
Adding real-time functionality with GraphQL Subscriptions 00:06:00
Create DataLoader in GraphQL 00:05:00
Batching in GraphQL 00:05:00
Caching in GraphQL 00:03:00
Testing with Jest in GraphQL and NodeJs
Write Unit test for Resolvers in GraphQL 00:04:00
Write Integration Test for Queries And Mutations in GraphQL 00:04:00
Certificate and Transcript
Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00
GraphQL Training with NodeJs

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GraphQL Training with NodeJs Take This Course

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